Transport Yearbook 2006

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5.4.2. Passenger car transport by vehicles registered in the country (mill. passenger-km)

  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Austria 78 100 77 700 79 500 81 500 82 100 *
Belgium 105 900 108 000 109 400 109 900 111 600 *
Czech Republic 63 940 63 470 65 290 67 360 67 570 68 640
Germany 831 300 856 400 831 300 857 800 868 900 *
Denmark   59 124 58 589 59 884 51 000 52 000 *
Spain 331 600 306 200 335 900 346 000 354 000 *
Finland 55 700 57 000 58 300 59 590 60 940 *
France 699 600 727 600 733 500 738 600 736 900 *
United Kingdom 639 000 654 000 677 000 678 000 679 000 *
Greece 53 000 57 000 61 000 64 000 68 000 *
Hungary 46 590 46 200 46 300 46 400 46 500 *
Ireland 21 000 22 000 23 000 24 000 25 000 *
Italy 726 500 717 700 711 700 711 000 716 100 *
Luxembourg 5 600 5 800 5 900 6 000 6 100 *
Netherlands 141 100 141 600 144 200 146 100 146 400 *
Poland 149 700 157 700 167 400 172 400 181 500 *
Portugal 577 000 * * 64 700 67 000 *
Sweden 91 900 92 700 93 800 96 300 97 000 *
Slovak Republic 23 929 24 100 25 000 25 200 24 300 *

Note.: Expert estimation

Source: EHK/OSN, Eurostat, DG TREN

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