2.5.1. Basic economic indicators of legal entities and natural persons in inland waterways transport (CZ-NACE 61)

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Average number of active enterprises * 82 102 82 94 *
Number of working owners of firms and co-operative members of household at 31 December * 86 121 81 94 *
Number of employees * 2 333 1 830 1 777 1 702 *
Average registered number of employees (actual persons) * 2 247 1 709 1 696 1 608 *
Average registered number of employees * 2 243 1 708 1 690 1 600 *
Wages excl. other personnel costs (in mill. CZK) * 287 237 244 223 *
Other personnel costs (in mill. CZK) * 7 3 6 7 *
Average monthly wage per employee (in mill. CZK) (actual persons) * 10 654 11 540 12 004 11 552 *
Revenue, total (in mill. CZK) * 5 688 2 805 2 599 2 337 *
of which:
Total sales (in mill. CZK) * 2 148 1 682 1 709 1 252 *
of which:
Receipts from sales of goods (in mill. CZK) * 0 116 352 114 *
Services sales (in mill. CZK) * 2 041 1 547 1 318 1 110 *
Goods sales (in mill. CZK) * 106 19 39 28 *
Performances (in mill. CZK) * 2 153 1 945 1 719 1 403 *
Book value added (in mill. CZK) * 447 450 393 291 *
Costs, total (in mill. CZK) * 5 692 2 797 2 862 3 123 *
of which:
Book intermediate consumption (in mill. CZK) * 1 706 1 495 1 327 1 112 *
Costs spent on goods sold (in mill. CZK) * 45 17 27 20 *
Equity capital at 31 December (in mill. CZK) * 4 391 2 209 1 938 1 140 *
Total investments (in mill. CZK) * 2 063 311 192 79 *
of which:
Tangibles (in mill. CZK) * 2 024 290 169 78 *
Intangibles (in mill. CZK) * 39 21 23 0 *
Tangible property at 31 December (in mill. CZK) * 5 008 4 353 4 109 3 903 *
Intangible property at 31 December (in mill. CZK) * 61 84 85 85 *
Total inventories at 31 December (in mill. CZK) * 282 402 413 466 *
Book value added per 1 employee incl. entrepreneurs (in thous. CZK) * 192 246 221 173 *
Percentual share of book intermediate consumption in performances * 79,2 76,9 77,2 79,3 *

Source : ÈSÚ
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