5.1.2. Passenger transport by rail

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Total number of carried passengers (in thous.) 227 147 202 894 182 944 177 046 184 735 190 748
by type of transport
national transport 225 645 199 267 180 013 174 424 181 965 187 857
of which:  IDS 4 543 7 728 8 672 8 606 10 687 16 592
international transport1) 1 502 3 627 2 931 2 622 2 769 2 891
by class of car
1st class 307 544 417 340 610 513
2nd class 226 840 202 350 182 527 176 706 184 125 190 235
Total passenger transport performance (mill. passengers-km) 8 005 7 721 7 018 6 954 7 300 7 299
by type of transport
national transport 7 602 6 949 6 379 6 364 6 681 6 683
of which: IDS 56 164 170 197 208 225
international transport1) 403 772 639 590 618 616
by class of car
1st class 80 109 102 86 109 97
2nd class 7 925 7 612 6 916 6 868 7 191 7 201
Seat-kilometres offered (in mill.) * 27 597 26 877 26 598 22 506 26 905
Use of seat-kilometres offered (%) * 27,98 26,11 26,14 32,43 27,13

Source : MDS's transport statistics
1) Until the year 1996 only departures from CR
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