5.1.3. Public bus transport

  1995 1997 1998 1999 20001) 2001
Passenger transport (in thous.) 644 200 465 047 455 991 446 931 438 878 435 557
non-scheduled 29 100 16 304 16 268 15 868 15 150 19 980
scheduled 615 100 448 743 439 723 431 063 423 728 415 577
of which    international 1 200 1 413 1 225 1 315 1 327 2 115
                 national 613 900 447 330 438 498 429 748 422 401 413 462
Transport performances (mill. passenger-km) 11 763,2 8 804,0 8 680,9 8 649,0 9 351,3 10 605,4
non-scheduled 2 842,9 2 578,2 2 317,2 2 307,1 2 719,9 2 963,3
scheduled 8 920,3 6 225,8 6 363,6 6 341,9 6 631,5 7 642,1
of which    international 453,0 428,5 382,9 391,9 521,0 669,0
                   national 7 668,1 5 797,3 5 980,7 5 950,0 6 110,5 6 973,1
Seat-kilometres offered (in mill.)2) 14 325,6 12 942,2 12 122,7 11 678,8 14 711,8 14 577,5
Use of seat-kilometres offered (%) 82,11 68,03 71,61 74,06 63,56 72,75

Source : MDS's transport statistics
1) In the year 2000, change in the data collection
2) Expert estimation
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