Commercial passenger air transport (Czech commercial air operators only)

  1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Passengers carried (in thous.) 1 857 2 166 2 377 2 904 3 484 3 946
of wich
international 1 805 2 104 2 328 2 850 3 450 3 894
domestic 52 62 49 54 34 52
scheduled * * * * 2 229 2 566
non-scheduled * * * * 1 254 1 381
Transport perfomances - total (mill.passenger-km) 3 033 3 524 3 680 4 354 5 865 6 399
of wich
international 3 029 3 502 3 671 4 335 5 855 6 383
domestic 4 23 10 18 10 16
scheduled * * * * 3 313 3 576
non-scheduled * * * * 2 552 2 823
Seat-kilometres offered (in thous.) * * * * 7 725 8 544
Passenger load factor (%) * * * * 75,91 74,90

Source : MDS's transport statistics
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