Transport Yearbook 2004

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2.5.1. Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in inland waterway transport (CZ-NACE 61)

  1995 1999 2000 2001 2002 1) 2003 2)
Enterprises, total * 82 114 101 83 93
Number of working owners of companies and contributing family members, 31 Dec * 81 95 105 82 93
Workers, total (actual persons) * 1 777 1 719 1 393 1 144 812
Average registered number of employees (actual persons) * 1 696 1 624 1 288 1 062 719
Average registered number of employees (full-time equivalent) * 1 690 1 615 1 282 1 057 713
Wages excl. other personnel expenses (mill. CZK) * 244 225 192 144 120
Other personnel expenses (mill. CZK) * 6 7 20 2 1
Average monthly gross wage per actual person (CZK) * 12 004 11 551 12 429 11 332 13 969
Revenues, total (mill. CZK) * 2 599 2 366 2 245 2 638 896
of which:
Sales (revenues), total (mill. CZK) * 1 709 1 278 1 279 769 792
of which:
Sales of own goods (mill. CZK) * 352 114 187 243 0
Sales of services (mill. CZK) * 1 318 1 132 1 023 505 770
Sales of goods for resale (mill. CZK) * 39 32 69 21 22
Outputs, incl. trade margin (mill. CZK) * 1 719 1 425 986 624 779
Book value added (mill. CZK) * 393 296 -20 -31 176
Expenses, total (mill. CZK) * 2 862 3 148 3 004 3 332 912
of which:
Production consumption (mill. CZK) 3) * 1 327 1 129 1 006 655 603
Expenses of goods sold (mill. CZK) * 27 23 62 21 13
Equity capital, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) * 1 938 1 158 441 -312 81
Acquisition of fixed assets, total (mill. CZK) * 192 81 55 24 31
of which:
Tangible fixed assets (mill. CZK) * 169 81 55 24 31
Intangible fixed assets (mill. CZK) * 23 0 0 0 0
Tangible fixed assets at net book value, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) * 4 109 1 484 1 069 198 72
Intangible fixed assets at net book value, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) * 85 6 11 1 0
Inventories, total, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) * 413 467 83 7 10
Book value added per worker (thous. CZK) * 221 172 -14 -27 217
Percentage of production consumption in outputs (%) * 77,2 79,2 102,0 105,0 77,4

1) Revised data
2) Preliminary data
3) In 2002 the calculation of the production consumption for unincorporated natural persons was changed
Note: The time series of the basic indicators is not fully methodologically comparable. Since the year 2000, available administrative sources have been used to identify activities of enterprises. This resulted in changes in the indicator values published before.

Source: ČSÚ