Transport Yearbook 2004

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  1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Total 1) 5 540 18 347 19 014 19 007 19 313 18 983
by countries of unloading
Belgium 24 373 268 497 471 354
Denmark 4 0 0 34 132 125
Estonia 0 32 60 23 20 15
Finland 4 21 51 25 17 40
France 68 599 701 974 959 921
Ireland 7 0 13 4 11 32
Italy 56 969 1 168 967 1 136 876
Lithuania 2 0 0 0 8 35
Latvia 1 26 0 2 54 0
Luxembourg 3 69 27 31 40 28
Germany 1 867 9 501 9 786 9 921 8 831 8 401
Netherlands 42 543 592 583 584 648
Hungary 6 330 609 502 543 637
Poland 29 1 044 975 775 1 306 911
Portugal 0 0 35 2 0 31
Austria 279 1 399 1 484 1 254 980 1 878
Slovak Republic 606 1 616 1 730 1 437 2 076 1 780
Slovenia 4 172 211 107 195 122
United Kingdom 33 487 399 611 679 564
Spain 4 452 311 280 268 395
Sweden 15 104 116 199 208 334
Greece 0 0 42 30 49 0
Total EU 3 054 17 739 18 577 18 257 18 566 18 126
Iceland 0 0 0 0 0 0
Norway 4 38 65 57 93 25
Switzerland 35 125 107 110 160 144
Total EFTA 39 163 172 167 253 169
Belarus 0 0 0 0 10 0
Bosnia-Herzegovina 0 0 0 0 12 24
Bulgaria 2 44 12 34 58 84
Croatia 1 113 16 63 96 99
Moldova 0 0 0 11 0 0
Romania 4 125 145 193 103 195
Russian Federation 0 0 0 0 154 150
Turkey 1 0 0 98 24 37
Ukraine 0 0 42 56 9 0
Total other ECMT countries 8 282 215 454 466 590
Other countries 2 439 163 50 128 28 98

1) Vehicles registered in the CR only

Source: MD's transport statistics