Transport Yearbook 2004

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List of abbreviations

a.s. joint-stock company
CDV Transport Research Centre
CIS National timetable information system
CNG Compressed natural gas
CRV Central register of vehicles
ÈAPPO Czech Association of Petroleum Industry and Trade
ÈD Czech Railways
ÈNB Czech National Bank
ÈSAD Czech Automobile Transport
ÈSAO Czech Automobile Repair Shops
ÈSÚ Czech Statistical Office
DI Railways Inspection
DP Public Urban Transport Operator
Rail Authority
ECMT European Conference of Ministers of Transport
EHK/OSN United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
ESVO European Free Trade Association
EU European Union
FISIM Financial Intermediate Services Indirectly Measurement
HDP Gross Domestic Product
IAD Individual passenger transport
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IDS Integrated transport systems
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
KNV Regional National Committee
Regional Authority
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
MD Ministry of Transport
MF Ministry of Finance
MHD Public Urban Transport
MPO Ministry of Industry and Trade
MV Ministry of the Interior
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OKEÈ Statistical classifications of economic activities (NACE)
PP ÈR Presidium of Police of the Czech Republic
PPS Purchasing Power Standard
ØSD Road and Motorway Directorate
s.p. State Enterprise
SEDVO Central European Free Trade Agreement
SFDI State Fund of the Transport Infrastructure
SNS Commonwealth of Independent States
SPS State Navigation Administration
SŽDC, s.o. Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organization
TJ Terra Joule
ÚAN Central Coach Station
ÚCL Civil Aviation Authority Czech Republic
ÚZPLN Air Accidents Investigation Institute
VOC Volatile organic compounds


AT Austria
BE Belgium
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
DK Denmark
ES Spain
FI Finland
FR France
GB United Kingdom
GR Greece
HU Hungary
IE Ireland
IT Italy
LU Luxembourg
NL Netherlands
PL Poland
PT Portugal
SE Sweden
SK Slovak Republic