Transport Yearbook 2005

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5.1.4. Public bus transport

  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Total passenger transport (thous.) 438 878 435 913 406 097 417 012 418 598 386 415
non-scheduled 15 150 19 980 18 664 19 237 16 607 17 649
scheduled 423 728 415 932 387 433 397 775 401 991 368 765
of which:    international 1 327 1 736 1 284 1 555 1 388 1 148
                    national 422 401 414 196 386 149 396 221 400 603 367 618
Total passenger transport performance (mill. passenger-km) 9 351,3 10 608,1 9 667,5 9 448,6 8 516,2 7 698,3
non-scheduled 2 719,9 2 963,3 2 298,9 2 706,8 1 918,1 1 827,9
scheduled 6 631,5 7 644,8 7 368,6 6 741,8 6 598,1 5 870,4
of which:    international 521,0 654,8 532,0 474,2 508,0 402,2
                     national 6 110,5 6 989,9 6 836,7 6 267,6 6 090,1 5 468,2
Seat-kilometres offered (mill.)1) 14 711,8 14 577,5 12 022,5 13 428,5 13 293,9 13 480,1
Use of seat-kilometres offered (%) 63,56 72,77 80,41 70,36 64,06 57,11

1) Expert estimation

Source: MD

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