Transport Yearbook 2005

back Back | table of contents Table of contents Airport traffic - Passenger air transport

  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Total passengers 5 786 295 6 355 404 6 534 726 7 851 236 10 125 143 11 433 269
of which:  embarked 2 924 429 3 165 369 3 296 512 3 896 114 5 012 262 5 671 715
                  disembarked 2 840 252 3 163 930 3 194 033 3 899 035 5 016 648 5 679 374
                  direct transit 21 614 26 105 44 181 56 087 96 233 82 180
International traffic 
Total passengers 5 688 085 6 245 102 6 430 553 7 737 431 9 953 387 11 241 526
of which:  embarked 2 880 324 3 123 085 3 256 471 3 853 548 4 930 200 5 578 507
                  disembarked 2 786 899 3 098 236 3 132 513 3 830 778 4 928 797 5 581 987
                  direct transit 20 862 23 781 41 569 53 105 94 390 81 032
Domestic traffic 
Total passengers 98 210 110 302 104 173 113 805 171 756 191 743
of which:  embarked 44 105 42 284 40 041 42 566 82 062 93 208
                  disembarked 53 353 65 694 61 520 68 257 87 851 97 387
                  direct transit 752 2 324 2 612 2 982 1 843 1 148

Source: MD

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