Transport Yearbook 2007

back Back | table of contents Table of contents Goods transport flows from the Czech Republic - Total (thous. tonnes)

  2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Total 43 550 42 371 39 692 38 723 42 827 42 014
by countries of unloading 
Belgium 449 577 455 668 554 559
Bulgaria 55 71 107 31 61 180
Denmark   8 144 139 222 216 199
Estonia 32 20 16 18 8 4
Finland 21 17 44 17 29 2
France 646 985 950 817 992 939
Ireland 0 11 34 45 11 13
Italy 1 153 1 290 1 070 1 075 1 445 1 322
Lithuania 2 14 39 10 30 13
Latvia 26 54 0 11 15 9
Luxembourg 82 40 31 30 34 17
Hungary 1 925 2 099 2 126 1 849 2 212 1 976
Germany 18 398 14 576 13 075 13 263 13 783 13 705
Netherlands 720 840 890 1 219 1 061 892
Poland 5 427 4 067 3 763 3 884 5 066 5 381
Portugal 0 0 35 39 35 14
Austria 5 797 6 934 7 096 6 519 6 641 6 135
Romania 226 377 521 450 609 613
Slovak Republic 5 798 6 541 5 760 5 754 6 987 7 127
Slovenia 763 1 054 640 613 587 592
United Kingdom 487 680 572 416 481 508
Spain 452 268 406 342 324 384
Sweden 161 261 380 250 264 213
Greece 1 49 11 33 37 89
Total EU 42 631 40 967 38 161 37 575 41 481 40 885
Liechtenstein 0 0 0 0 5 9
Norway 39 93 26 41 49 67
Switzerland 166 215 191 173 246 223
Total EFTA 205 308 217 213 300 298
Belarus 0 53 31 0 1 6
Bosnia-Herzegovina 13 12 42 149 319 169
Croatia 388 538 483 472 342 332
Moldova 3 9 10 0 0 0
Russian Federation 13 194 176 74 170 89
Turkey 1 25 57 32 17 44
Ukraine 60 203 286 120 85 96
Total other ITF countries 477 1 044 1 086 847 935 736
Other countries 238 63 229 88 111 94

Source: MD

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