Transport Yearbook 2008

back back | Transport Yearbook 2008 - go to Table of contents table of contents Number of units in the CSU business register - Total

  2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total 2 050 770 2 352 601 2 388 490 2 430 481 2 481 863 2 552 149
of which:
A Agriculture, hunting and forestry 130 595 133 875 137 515 137 194 139 338 142 683
B Fishing, oper. of fish hat., service activ. 588 646 700 690 706 719
C Mining and quarrying 558 620 630 628 599 611
D Manufacturing industry 262 130 306 789 308 665 308 951 310 659 314 485
E Electricity, gas and water supply 1 281 1 388 1 481 1 560 1 666 1 969
F Construction 221 417 263 657 269 625 277 286 287 607 298 611
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods 638 014 657 600 658 014 666 156 677 301 678 197
H Hotels and restaurants 97 751 119 117 123 243 124 240 122 410 125 072
I Transport, storage, post and telecommunications 70 390 82 016 82 677 84 239 84 863 85 329
J Financial Intermediation 71 321 70 333 71 039 71 627 65 716 67 325
K Real estate, renting and business activities 334 317 444 369 457 911 474 441 497 454 518 274
L Public administration and defense; compulsory social security 11 559 10 391 15 434 15 262 15 416 15 400
M Education 23 998 34 185 35 208 36 152 37 702 39 481
N Health, veterinary and social work 29 640 33 387 34 026 34 517 35 058 35 939
O Other community, social and personal services 156 966 193 985 192 129 197 340 205 194 214 595
P Private households employing domestic staff and undifferentiated production activities of households for own use 101 71 11 14 - -
Q Extra-territorial organizations and bodies 144 172 182 184 174 176
Unclassified - - - - - 13 283

Source: ČSÚ