Transport Yearbook 2008

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2.3.3. Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in inland waterway transport (CZ-NACE 61)

  2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Enterprises (firms), total 114 85 88 87 76 *
Number of working owners of companies and contributing family members, 31 Dec 95 93 78 61 67 *
Workers, total (actual persons) 1 719 717 699 720 716 *
Average registered number of employees (actual persons) 1 624 624 621 658 649 *
Average registered number of employees (full-time equivalent) 1 615 624 621 656 644 *
Wages excl. other personnel expenses (mill. CZK) 225 110 116 127 125 *
Other personnel expenses (mill. CZK) 7 2 0 1 6 *
Average monthly gross wage per actual person (CZK) 11 551 14 646 15 614 16 035 16 098 *
Revenues, total (mill. CZK) 2 366 1 168 1 391 1 265 1 348 *
of which:
Sales (revenues), total (mill. CZK) 1 278 1 007 1 213 1 151 1 199 *
of which:
Sales of own goods (mill. CZK) 114 0 0 0 0 *
Sales of services (mill. CZK) 1 132 996 1 000 923 1 024 *
Sales of goods for resale (mill. CZK) 32 11 213 228 176 *
Outputs, incl. trade margin (mill. CZK) 1 425 993 1 007 928 1 029 *
Book value added (mill. CZK) 296 178 247 234 279 *
Expenses, total (mill. CZK) 3 148 1 148 1 354 1 206 1 236 *
of which:
Production consumption (mill. CZK) 1 129 814 760 694 750 *
Expenses of goods sold (mill. CZK) 23 14 206 224 170 *
Equity capital, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) 1 158 96 207 282 314 *
Acquisition of fixed assets, total (mill. CZK) 81 9 119 71 48 *
of which:
Tangible fixed assets (mill. CZK) 1) 81 9 119 70 48 *
Intangible fixed assets (mill. CZK) 0 0 0 0 1 *
Tangible fixed assets at net book value, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) 1) 1 558 92 164 204 190 *
Intangible fixed assets at net book value, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) 21 0 0 0 0 *
Inventories, total, 31 Dec (mill. CZK) 467 15 17 16 18 *
Book value added per worker (thous. CZK) 172 249 353 324 389 *
Percentage of production consumption in outputs (%) 79,23 82,03 75,49 74,82 72,91 *

1) Including land and mineral estates

Source: ČSÚ