Transport Yearbook 2008

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  2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total passengers 5 786 295 10 125 143 11 433 269 12 367 097 13 313 865 13 629 278
of which: embarked 2 924 429 5 012 262 5 671 715 6 146 023 6 607 251 6 752 596
                disembarked 2 840 252 5 016 648 5 679 374 6 140 072 6 616 955 6 760 558
                direct transit 21 614 96 233 82 180 81 002 89 659 116 124
International traffic
Total passengers 5 688 085 9 953 387 11 241 526 12 114 290 13 057 067 13 468 711
of which: embarked 2 880 324 4 930 200 5 578 507 6 022 220 6 479 984 6 673 195
                disembarked 2 786 899 4 928 797 5 581 987 6 012 492 6 488 135 6 680 813
                direct transit 20 862 94 390 81 032 79 578 88 948 114 703
Domestic traffic
Total passengers 98 210 171 756 191 743 252 807 256 798 160 567
of which: embarked 44 105 82 062 93 208 123 803 127 267 79 401
                disembarked 53 353 87 851 97 387 127 580 128 820 79 745
                direct transit 752 1 843 1 148 1 424 711 1 421

Source: MD