Transport Yearbook 2008

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  2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total transport of goods (thous. tonnes) 98 255 88 843 85 613 97 491 99 777 95 073
national 46 039 39 765 39 506 45 861 46 959 44 148
total international 52 216 49 078 46 106 51 630 52 818 50 925
of which: export 24 582 20 456 20 523 21 924 22 139 21 228
                import 20 908 21 321 18 907 22 057 22 759 21 875
                transit through the Czech Republic 6 726 7 301 6 676 7 649 7 919 7 822
Public transport of goods (thous. tonnes) * * * 82 558 83 596 78 561
national * * * 32 450 33 934 31 125
total international * * * 50 108 49 662 47 436
of which: export * * * 21 568 20 897 20 285
                import * * * 21 004 20 904 19 635
                transit through the Czech Republic * * * 7 536 7 861 7 517
Total transport performace (mill. tonne-km) 17 496 15 092 14 866 15 779 16 304 15 437
national 7 399 6 122 6 222 6 912 7 267 6 510
total international 10 097 8 970 8 644 8 867 9 037 8 927
of which: export 5 690 4 735 4 794 4 691 4 444 4 442
                import 2 587 2 348 2 127 2 321 2 416 2 352
                transit through the Czech Republic 1 820 1 886 1 722 1 855 2 177 2 133
Public transport performance (mill. tonnes-km) * * * 14 943 15 348 14 418
national * * * 6 216 6 555 5 833
total international * * * 8 727 8 793 8 585
of which: export * * * 4 603 4 286 4 264
                import * * * 2 292 2 339 2 242
                transit through the Czech Republic * * * 1 832 2 168 2 079

Note: In the year 2006 monitoring of non – public transport of goods has started

Source: MD