Transport Yearbook 2008

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  2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total transport of goods (thous. tonnes) 414 725 466 034 461 144 444 574 453 537 431 855
by type of transport
national 382 287 428 256 423 598 398 070 407 741 382 420
total international 32 437 37 778 37 546 46 503 45 796 49 434
of which: export 18 346 18 983 17 653 20 525 19 618 19 669
                import 12 341 15 569 14 057 17 021 16 652 17 888
                cross-trade 1 750 3 227 5 837 8 957 9 526 11 878
                cabotage 0 0 0 0 0 0
by kind of transport
for hire or reward 199 566 292 269 310 406 296 685 307 764 297 321
for own account 215 159 173 765 150 738 147 888 145 773 134 534
Total transport performace (mill. tonne-km) 39 036 46 010 43 447 50 369 48 141 50 877
by type of transport
national 15 986 16 047 15 519 16 085 15 783 15 755
total international 23 050 29 963 27 928 34 284 32 358 35 122
of which:      export 11 595 13 832 11 692 13 653 12 423 12 965
                    import 8 887 11 775 10 128 11 864 11 463 12 137
                    cross-trade 2 568 4 355 6 108 8 767 8 472 10 020
                    cabotage 0 0 0 0 0 0
by kind of transport
for hire or reward 31 363 37 419 38 119 45 094 43 271 46 060
for own account 7 673 8 591 5 328 5 275 4 870 4 817

Source: MD