Transport Yearbook 2008

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6.1.2. Victims of rail traffic accidents

  2000 2004 2005 20061) 2007 2008
Total number victims (killed and injured) 229 445 507 283 283 268
by type of victim
passengers 15 46 93 66 94 116
railway employees 19 9 26 15 15 17
other (drivers and passengers of the road vehicles and persons that were run over on tracks) 195 390 388 202 174 135
by type of accident
Collisions * 38 20 14 42 104
Derailments * 0 1 7 4 0
Accidents involving level-crossings * 184 155 155 132 88
Accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion * 218 270 107 100 75
Fires in rolling stock * 0 2 0 2 0
others * 5 59 0 3 1
Killed (number) 74 232 251 52 25 44
by type of victim
passengers 0 5 2 4 0 13
railway employees 2 3 4 1 1 4
other (drivers and passengers of the road vehicles and persons that were run over on tracks) 72 224 245 47 24 27
by type of accident
Collisions * 2 1 0 1 10
Derailments * 0 0 0 0 0
Accidents involving level-crossings * 57 53 31 23 25
Accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion * 171 194 21 1 9
Fires in rolling stock * 0 0 0 0 0
others * 2 3 0 0 0
Injured (number) 155 213 256 231 258 224
by type of victim
passengers 15 41 91 62 94 103
railway employees 17 6 22 14 14 13
other (drivers and passengers of the road vehicles and persons that were run over on tracks) 123 166 143 155 150 108
by type of accident
Collisions * 36 19 14 41 94
Derailments * 0 1 7 4 0
Accidents involving level-crossings * 127 102 124 109 63
Accidents to persons caused by rolling stock in motion * 47 76 86 99 66
Fires in rolling stock * 0 2 0 2 0
others * 3 56 0 3 1

1) suicides and attempted suicides excluded

Source: DI