Transport Yearbook 2008

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6.2.2. Number of persons killed (within 30 days from the date of accident) or injured by location and nature of accident

  2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total number of persons killed during all accidents 1 486 1 382 1 286 1 063 1 222 1 076
During accidents on motorways 45 58 45 37 48 30
During accidents in communities (except motorways) 613 525 503 427 442 444
During accidents outside of communities (except motorways) 828 799 738 599 732 602
During accidents between vehicle and pedestrian 353 282 292 200 228 231
During single-vehicle accidents 129 97 94 89 128 60
During accidents between vehicles 569 623 513 450 491 456
During accidents due to the influence of alcohol 126 68 71 48 41 85
Total number of persons injured during all accidents 32 439 34 254 32 211 28 114 29 243 28 501
During accidents on motorways 563 689 688 614 664 646
During accidents in communities (except motorways) 19 661 19 969 18 687 16 098 16 196 15 909
During accidents outside of communities (except motorways) 12 215 13 596 12 836 11 402 12 383 11 946
During accidents between vehicle and pedestrian 4 921 4 575 4 155 3 928 4 053 3 753
During single-vehicle accidents 3 829 4 165 4 250 3 585 3 806 3 810
During accidents between vehicles 16 204 18 040 16 378 14 053 14 581 14 043
During accidents due to the influence of alcohol 4 677 3 665 3 481 2 875 3 008 2 967

Source: PP ČR