Transport Yearbook 2013

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2.3.3. Basic economic indicators of legal and natural persons in air transport (CZ-NACE 51)

  2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Enterprises (firms), total 37 37 41 47 39 39
Number of employed persons, total (headcount) 6 410 5 929 5 833 4 026 3 104 2 524
of which:
average registered number of employees (headcount) 6 257 5 784 5 704 3 949 3 000 2 448
average registered number of employees - FTE 6 229 5 695 5 608 3 852 2 909 2 392
Wages excl. other personnel expenses 3 412 4 218 4 162 2 835 2 290 1 998
Average monthly gross wage per person (headcount) 45 442 60 767 60 797 59 839 63 631 68 016
Average monthly gross wage per FTE person 45 648 61 725 61 839 61 342 65 607 69 612
Sales, total 31 521 35 973 32 525 31 813 26 911 29 178
Sales, total per employed persons 4 918 6 067 5 576 7 902 8 670 11 561
Outputs, incl. trade margin 30 992 35 625 32 206 31 768 26 899 29 162
Production consumption 26 800 28 691 27 611 27 794 25 135 26 148
Production consumption percentage in outputs 86.5 80.5 85.7 87.5 93.4 89.7
Value added 4 192 6 933 4 595 3 974 1 765 3 014
Value added percentage in outputs 13.5 19.5 14.3 12.5 6.6 10.3
Value added per employed persons 654 1 169 788 987 569 1 194

Note: In connection with introduction of NACE Rev. 2 k since 1.1.2008 current values were recalculated and classification of individual enterprises according to their economic activity was reconsidered

Source: ČSÚ