Transport Yearbook 2013

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  2005 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Total transport of goods (thous. tonnes) 548 712 448 477 440 453 438 269 424 049 437 092
National 463 789 362 246 338 902 329 294 318 863 326 652
International total 84 923 86 231 101 551 108 975 105 186 110 440
of which
export 38 722 36 955 41 041 42 689 41 472 44 076
import 33 328 30 811 37 662 39 385 37 293 40 482
transit through the CR 8 710 7 880 9 234 10 235 9 844 9 496
cross-trade 3 990 10 241 13 310 12 878 11 881 11 642
cabotage1) 174 344 304 3 787 4 696 4 744
Total transport performance (mill. tonne-km) 59 093 58 387 66 282 69 841 66 164 69 551
National 21 771 19 000 20 506 21 255 20 269 20 951
International total 37 323 39 387 45 776 48 586 45 895 48 600
of which
export 16 830 15 761 17 148 17 820 17 197 18 491
import 12 491 11 834 14 350 15 407 14 540 15 870
transit through the CR 4 565 3 882 4 367 4 459 4 298 4 176
cross-trade 3 379 7 789 9 807 9 833 8 503 8 584
cabotage1) 57 122 105 1 067 1 357 1 480

1) Since 2011 road freight transport also included in cabotage

Source: MD