Transport Yearbook 2014

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  2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Total passengers 11 360 194 12 352 097 12 766 360 11 835 014 11 958 485 12 143 429
of which embarked 5 632 968 6 103 790 6 315 203 5 872 101 5 948 808 6 050 658
disembarked 5 632 796 6 138 596 6 335 329 5 870 247 5 943 004 6 029 017
direct transit 94 430 109 711 115 828 92 666 66 673 63 754
International traffic
Total passengers 11 070 995 12 036 885 12 528 551 11 651 791 11 808 847 11 991 005
of which embarked 5 534 070 6 001 692 6 255 839 5 827 443 5 918 655 6 019 743
disembarked 5 536 925 6 035 193 6 272 712 5 824 348 5 890 192 5 971 262
Domestic traffic
Total passengers 194 769 205 501 121 981 90 557 82 965 88 670
of which embarked 98 898 102 098 59 364 44 658 30 153 30 915
disembarked 95 871 103 403 62 617 45 899 52 812 57 755

Note: Passenger numbers listed in the international and domestic operations are without direct transit

Source: MD