Transport Yearbook 2018

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  2010 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Total 20 506 22 452 26 742 27 660 27 420 29 470
Products of agriculture, hunting, and forestry; fish and other fishing products 1 794 2 496 2 781 2 846 2 727 2 770
Coal and lignite; crude petroleum and natural gas 3 268 2 812 2 533 2 536 2 560 2 234
Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products; peat; uranium and thorium 2 775 3 135 5 077 5 484 5 143 5 583
Food products, beverages and tabacco 2 729 3 301 3 108 3 140 3 185 3 303
Textiles and textile products; leather and leather products 95 73 79 77 93 138
Wood and products of wood and cork (except furniture); articles of straw and plaiting materials; pulp; paper and paper products; printed matter and recorded media 1 058 751 787 895 926 838
Coke and refined petroleum products 991 783 909 903 771 700
Chemicals, chemical product, and man-made fibres; rubber and plastic products; nuclear fuel 838 756 962 780 840 701
Other non-metallic mineral products 1 977 2 188 2 743 2 761 3 009 3 341
Basic metals; fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 1 308 1 655 1 929 2 084 2 249 2 418
Machinery and equipment n.e.c.; office machinery and computers; electrical machinery and apparatus n.e.c.; radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus; medical, precision and optical instruments; watches and clocks 414 525 525 555 607 639
Transport equipment 412 646 750 896 900 981
Furniture; other manufactured goods n.e.c. 124 126 187 90 78 124
Secondary raw materials; municipal wastes and other wastes 871 709 1 157 1 214 1 291 1 628
Mail, parcels 454 428 551 503 452 704
Equipment and material utilised in the transport of goods 427 578 696 785 609 705
Goods moved in the course of household and office removals; baggage transported separately from passengers; motor vehicles being moved for repair; other non-market goods n.e.c. 9 4 7 10 11 24
Grouped goods:a mixture of types of goods which are transported together 333 429 593 719 801 880
Unidentifiable goods: goods which for any reason cannot be identified and therefore cannot be assigned to groups 01 – 16 620 991 1 322 1 381 1 166 1 754
Other goods n.e.c. 8 66 46 1 1 3

Source: MD