Transport Yearbook 1999


  List of abbreviations used
1. Introduction
2. Ministry of Transport and Communications
2.1. Organisational Chart of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Czech Republic at 31.12.2000
2.2. Organisations of the branches of transport under founding and establishing authority of the Ministry of Transport and Communications to 31.12.2000
2.2.1. Business organisations
2.2.2. Subsidized organisations
2.2.3. Budgetary organisations
2.2.4. Residual enterprises
2.2.5. Enterprises in liquidation
3. Economic indicators of the development of national economy and the transport sector
3.1. Development of national economy in the Czech Republic
3.1.1. Current performance of the state budget of CR
3.1.2. Selected economic indicators of the CR in current prices
3.1.3. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Activity at current prices
3.1.4. Gross Domestic Product in Transport at current prices
3.1.5. Cost of living index
3.1.6. Number of units in the CSU reported unit register Number of units in the CSU reported unit register – total Number of private enterpreneurs in the CSU reported unit register Number of commercial companies in the CSU reported unit register Number of cooperatives in the CSU reported unit register Number of state enterprises in the CSU reported unit register
3.1.7. Number of employed and average monthly wages and salaries in the individual branches Average recorded number of employees in actual persons Average monthly wage per person
3.1.8. Foreign Trade by country grouping Foreign Trade in CZK (in current prices) Foreign Trade in USD (in current prices)
3.1.9. International tourism
3.2. Summary indicators of the transport sector economy
3.2.1. Number of employees in transport industry
3.2.2. Overview of business subjects in the transport sector
3.2.3. Breakdown of state budget expenditures on transport by type
3.2.4. Total investment expenditure in transport infrastructure in current prices
3.2.5. Total non-investment expenditure of transport infrastructure in current prices
3.2.6. Total investment in transport infrastructure from the State Budget and from the State Fund of the Transport Infrastructure
3.2.7. Subsidies to scheduled public passenger transport
3.2.8. Gross expenditure on transport-annual average per head
3.2.9. Total receipts in transport
3.3. Railway Transport
3.3.1. Breakdown of employees in railway transport
3.4. Road Transport
3.4.1. Public road freight transport enterprises
3.4.2. Number of employees in public road freight transport enterprises
3.5. Inland Waterways Transport
3.5.1. Goods inland waterways transport enterprises
3.5.2. Number of employees in enterprises providing freight transport
3.6. Air Transport
3.6.1. Number of commercial operators and pilot´s licences in air transport
4. Transport Infrastructure
4.1. Railway Infrastructure in km
4.1.1. Tracks
4.1.2. Lines
4.2. Road Transport Infrastructure in km
4.3. Navigable inland waterways regularly used for transport in km
4.4. Air Traffic Infrastructure
4.5. Pipeline Transport Infrastructure
4.6. Combined Transport Infrastructure
5. Transport Equipment
5.1. Railway Transport
5.1.1. Locomotives
5.1.2. Electric and diesel railcars
5.1.3. Passenger railway vehicles
5.1.4. Vans
5.1.5. Wagons
5.2. Road and urban public transport
5.2.1. Motorcycles registered in the CR
5.2.2. Passenger cars registered in the CR
5.2.3. Minibuses and coaches registered in CR
5.2.4. Number of electric vehicles in urban public transport in the CR
5.2.5. Lorries registered in the CR
5.2.6. Road tractors registered in the CR
5.2.7. Semi-trailers registered in CR
5.2.8. Trailers registered in CR
5.3. Inland Waterways Transport
5.3.1. Self propelled vessels
5.3.2. Dumb and pushed vessels
5.3.3. Tugs and pushers
5.3.4. Passenger vessels
5.4. Air Transport - Civil Aircraft on Register
5.4.1. Number of aircrafts with a certificated take-off weight of 9 000 kg and over
5.4.2. Number of large aircraft by type
5.4.3. Number of aircrafts with a certificated take-off weight under 9 000 kg
6. Transport
6.1. Passenger Transport
6.1.1. Comparison of transport performance of different types of passenger transport
6.1.2. Passenger transport by rail without integrated public passenger transport systems
6.1.3. Bus public transport
6.1.4. Urban and integrated public passenger transport by type of traction
6.1.. Air passenger transport Commercial passenger air transport Airport traffic - passenger air transport
6.2. Freight Transport
6.2.1. Transport performance of different types of goods transport
6.2.2. National transport of goods by commodity classification NST/R (10) in CR National transport of goods by commodity in CR – total National transport of goods by commodity in CR - Rail transport National transport of goods by commodity in CR - Road transport National transport of goods by commodity in CR - Inland waterways transport
6.2.3. Export of goods from CR by commodity classification NST/R (10) Export of goods by commodity from CR – total Export of goods by commodity from CR - Rail transport Export of goods by commodity from CR - Road transport Export of goods by commodity from CR - Inland waterways transport
6.2.4. Import of goods into CR by commodity classification NST/R (10) Import of goods by commodity into CR – total Import of goods by commodity into CR - Rail transport Import of goods by commodity into CR - Road transport Import of goods by commodity into CR - Inland waterways transport
6.2.5. Transport flows in export of goods from CR Transport flows in export of goods from CR – total Transport flows in export of goods from CR - Rail transport Transport flows in export of goods from CR - Road transport Transport flows in export of goods from CR - Inland waterways transport
6.2.6. Transport flows in import of goods into CR Transport flows in import of goods into CR – total Transport flows in import of goods into CR - Rail transport Transport flows in import of goods into CR - Road transport Transport flows in import of goods into CR - Inland waterways transport
6.2.7. Railway Goods Transport Goods transport by rail National goods transport by rail
6.2.8. Road Freight Transport Goods transport by road National goods transport by road
6.2.9. Freight Inland Waterways Transport Transport of goods by inland waterways National transport of goods by inland waterways
6.2.10. Freight and mail air transport Commercial freight and mail air transport Airport traffic - air freight and mail transport
6.2.11. Transport of crude petroleum within the territory of CR
6.2.12. Combined Transport Transport of the combined transport loading units by rail Transport of road freight vehicles on the Lovosice - Dresden route Transport of road freight vehicles on the České Budějovice – Villach Transport of the combined transport loading units by inland waterways
7. Transport Accidents
7.1. Rail Traffic Accidents
7.1.1. Structure of causalities in rail traffic accidents
7.1.2. Victims of the rail traffic accidents
7.2. Road Traffic Accidents
7.2.1. Number of accidents according to location and type of accident
7.2.2. Number of killed and injured according to location and type of accident in road traffic
7.2.3. Number of road traffic accidents by day of the week
7.2.4. Number of road traffic accidents by months
7.3. Accidents in inland waterways traffic
7.4. Accidents in air traffic
8. Transport Impact on Environment
8.1. Energy consumption in transport – total
8.1.1. Energy consumption in rail transport
8.1.2. Energy consumption in road transport
8.1.3. Energy consumption in inland waterways transport
8.1.4. Energy consumption in air transport
8.1.5. Driving fuel consumption in road transport)
8.2. Total transport emission
8.2.1. Carbon dioxide emission (CO2 ) by mode of transport
8.2.2. Carbon monoxide emission (CO) by mode of transport
8.2.3. Nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx ) by mode of transport
8.2.4. Hydrocarbon emissions (CxHx ) by mode of transport
8.2.5. Sulphur dioxide emissions (SO2 ) by mode of transport
8.2.6. Particulate emissions by mode of transport
8.2.7. Lead (Pb) emissions by mode of transport
8.3. Emissions by mode of transport per inhabitant
8.3.1. Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions 
8.3.2. Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions
8.3.3. Nitrogen oxide (N2 O) emissions
8.3.4. Nitrogen oxide (without N2 O) emissions
8.3.5. Sulphur oxide (SO2 ) emissions
8.3.6. Methane (CH4 ) emissions
8.3.7. Other hydrocarbon emissions
8.3.8. Particulate emissions
8.3.9. Lead (Pb) emissions
9. International comparison with the selected European countries
9.1. Transport Infrastructure
9.1.1. Length of operated lines - in the year 1998
9.1.2. Length of motorways and roads total - in the year 1998
9.2. Transport Equipment
9.2.1. Passenger railway vehicles
9.2.2. Wagons
9.2.3. Motorcycles
9.2.4. Passenger cars
9.2.5. Minibuses and coaches
9.2.6. Lorries
9.3. Transport
9.3.1. Passenger transport by rail
9.3.2. Individual road passenger transport by vehicles registered in the country
9.3.3. Public road bus transport by vehicles registered in the country
9.3.4. Total passenger movements on the major airports in the particular countries
9.3.5. Goods transport by rail
9.3.6. Goods transport by road by vehicles registered in the country
9.3.7. Goods transport by inland waterways
9.4. Road Traffic Accidents
9.4.1. Number of road traffic accidents involving personal injury
9.4.2. Number of road traffic accidents on motorway involving personal injury
9.4.3. Number of persons killed in road traffic accidents
9.4.4. Number of persons injured in road traffic accidents
10. Graphs
10.1. Inhabitant density in 1998
10.2. Gross domestic product per inhabitant in 1998
10.3. Railways density in the year 1998
10.4. Motorways density in the year 1998
10.5. Passenger cars number per 100 inhabitants in the year 1998
10.6. Average vehicle performance in individual road passenger transport in the year 1998
10.7. Average distance in the rail passengers transport in the year 1998
10.8. Average vehicle performance in the bus passenger transport in the year 1998
10.9. Average goods transport distance in the rail freight transport in the year 1998
10.10. Average goods transport distance in the road freight transport in the year 1998
10.11. Average vehicle performance in the freight road transport in the year 1998
10.12. Average goods transport distance in the inland waterways freight transport in the year 1998
10.13. Average number of the road traffic accidents involving personal injury per motorway and road kilometre in the year 1998
10.14. Average number of the road traffic accidents on motorways involving personal injury per kilometre in the year 1998
10.15. Average number of the persons killed by road traffic accidents per 1000’s inhabitants in the year 1998
10.16. Average number of the persons injured by road traffic accidents per 1000’s inhabitants in the year 1998
  Classification of Inland Waterways